Pine Script

How to Get Stock Earnings in Pine Script and Use Them in Indicators

How to Get Stock Earnings in Pine Script and Use Them in Indicators

Understanding a company’s earnings is crucial for making informed trading decisions. Pine Script, the programming language used on TradingView, provides a convenient way to access and utilize earnings data in your custom indicators. In this article, we’ll explore how to fetch stock earnings using the request.earnings function and incorporate them into your indicators with practical code examples.

Accessing Earnings Data with request.earnings

The request.earnings function in Pine Script allows you to retrieve historical earnings data for a specified stock symbol. This function can fetch various types of earnings information, such as actual earnings, estimates, and can even handle currency conversions.

1. Fetching Basic Earnings Data

To retrieve the actual reported earnings for a stock like Apple Inc. (NASDAQ), you can use the following code:

indicator("AAPL Earnings", overlay=false)

s1 = request.earnings("NASDAQ:AAPL")
plot(s1,, title="Actual Earnings")

This will display AAPL’s actual earnings per share (EPS) over time, allowing you to visualize the company’s progress:

2. Handling Gaps in Earnings Data

Earnings are reported periodically, so there will be gaps in the data. Pine Script fills these gaps by default, which might not be ideal for your analysis. You can control this behavior using the gaps parameter:

indicator("AAPL Earnings with Gaps", overlay=false)

s2 = request.earnings("NASDAQ:AAPL", gaps=barmerge.gaps_on)
plot(s2,, title="Actual Earnings with Gaps")

gaps=barmerge.gaps_on: Ensures that the gaps between earnings reports are preserved:

3. Retrieving Earnings Estimates

Analysts often provide earnings estimates before the actual earnings are reported. You can access these estimates using the field parameter:

indicator("AAPL Earnings Estimates", overlay=false)

s3 = request.earnings("NASDAQ:AAPL", field=earnings.estimate)
plot(s3,, title="Earnings Estimates")

4. Converting Earnings to a Different Currency

If you’re interested in viewing the earnings data in a currency other than the company’s reporting currency, you can use the currency parameter:

indicator("AAPL Earnings in EUR", overlay=false)

s4 = request.earnings("NASDAQ:AAPL", currency='EUR')
plot(s4, color=color.purple, title="Actual Earnings in EUR")

This is useful for international investors who want to assess earnings in their local currency.


Incorporating earnings data into your Pine Script indicators can provide valuable insights into a stock’s performance and help you make better trading decisions. By using the request.earnings function with its various parameters, you can customize the data to suit your analysis needs.

Feel free to experiment with these code snippets and modify them to create your own unique indicators. Happy coding!

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