When you backtest the strategies you most often you use Profit Target and Stop Loss to protect your earnings and limit your loss. All modern backtesting engines should have these essential features. In this article, I will show you how you can use SL and PT in vectorbt library. In vectorbt framework, you can do as simple as passing 2 parameters to the backtesting function. This is why I like this library so much because you can do quite complicated things very simply.
Let’s first start with the code that will download data and compute signals. I posted this code in a few of my articles already so there is nothing to add to it:
import vectorbt as vbt
aapl_data = vbt.YFData.download(
interval = '1d'
aapl_close = aapl_data.get('Close')
fast_ma = vbt.MA.run(aapl_close, 10, short_name='fast MA')
slow_ma = vbt.MA.run(aapl_close, 50, short_name='fast MA')
long_entries = fast_ma.ma_crossed_above(slow_ma)
short_entries = fast_ma.ma_crossed_below(slow_ma)
This code will download data for Apple from Yahoo Finance and will compute signals for entries and exits. Interesting part start when running the “from_signal” function:
pf = vbt.Portfolio.from_signals(
entries = long_entries,
short_entries = short_entries,
freq = '1d',
As you can see I provided 2 new parameters for this function:
- sl_stop – responsible for % of stop loss. If you’ll pass the value of 0.025 for example it is equal to 2.5%.
- tp_stop – responsible for % of take profit (profit target). The value of 0.05 in my example is equal to 5%.
If the price for my trades will go above 5% in profits or below 2.5% in losses they will be closed. As you can see it’s quite simple to add SL and PT for your strategies in vectorbt . In the next articles, I’ll introduce you to more advanced concepts of backtesting in Python.
To check the performance of your strategy you can run the following code:
To plot your perfor
Start 1980-12-12 00:00:00+00:00 End 2022-08-17 00:00:00+00:00 Period 10509 days 00:00:00 Start Value 100.0 End Value 543.963721 Total Return [%] 443.963721 Benchmark Return [%] 174381.127209 Max Gross Exposure [%] 100.0 Total Fees Paid 0.0 Max Drawdown [%] 31.350131 Max Drawdown Duration 2219 days 00:00:00 Total Trades 237 Total Closed Trades 237 Total Open Trades 0 Open Trade PnL 0.0 Win Rate [%] 45.147679 Best Trade [%] 16.746513 Worst Trade [%] -12.430596 Avg Winning Trade [%] 6.631319 Avg Losing Trade [%] -3.902731 Avg Winning Trade Duration 6 days 19:03:55.514018691 Avg Losing Trade Duration 5 days 05:01:23.720930232 Profit Factor 1.304415 Expectancy 1.825562 Sharpe Ratio 0.450664 Calmar Ratio 0.193272 Omega Ratio 1.201434 Sortino Ratio 0.682337
To show performance in a chart you can run following :
fig = pf.plot(subplots=['cum_returns'])
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