
Example of fancy complex strategy alerts in TradingView

Example of fancy complex strategy alerts in TradingView

Alerts on strategies were introduced just recently in TradingView.  
These alerts have an alert_message placeholder which allows you to compose in PineScript very complex alerts and insert quite a lot of information in them. 
Here is just a very simple example of how they can look like. 

As you can see I added some information about the position, computed SL/PT levels. Also, you can add values of multiple indicators you’re interested in.

You can find this code on TradingView.

strategy("Fancy strategy alerts example", overlay = true)

ma = sma(close, 20)
plot(ma, color =

long_entry = crossover(close,  ma)
long_close = crossunder(close, ma)

// RSI
rsi = rsi(close, 7)

[macdLine, signalLine, histLine] = macd(close, 12, 26, 9)

// Compose alert message

alert_msg =  
             "Position: \n" +
             "####################\n\n" +
             "Close: "                  + tostring(close)                    + "\n"   + 
             "Bars from prev signal:"   + tostring(barssince(long_entry[1])) + "\n"   + 
             "Profit Target 1:"         + tostring(round(open * 1.01))       + "\n"   + 
             "Profit Target 2:"         + tostring(round(open * 1.03))       + "\n"   +  
             "Profit Target 3:"         + tostring(round(open * 1.05))       + "\n"   + 
             "Stop Loss:"               + tostring(round(open * 0.95))       + "\n\n" + 
             "Indicaotrs\n"             + 
             "####################\n\n" + 
             "MA Value: "               + tostring(ma)         + "\n"   +
             "RSI: "                    + tostring(rsi)        + "\n"   + 
             "MACD: "                   + tostring(macdLine)   + "\n"   + 
             "MACD Signal: "            + tostring(signalLine) + "\n"   + 
             "MACD Hist: "              + tostring(histLine)   + "\n\n" +
             "More Fun Stuff\n"         + 
             "####################\n\n" + 
             "┌─────────────────┐\n" + 
             "│                 │\n" + 
             "│                 │\n" + 
// Entry
strategy.entry("long",  true, when = long_entry, alert_message = alert_msg)
strategy.close("long", when = long_close, alert_message = "Close Long")

Here is an example of an alert message you can use:

MA strategy - TP example: order {{strategy.order.action}} @ {{strategy.order.contracts}} filled on {{ticker}}. New strategy position is {{strategy.position_size}}



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